
Showing posts with label Body Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Care. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

11 Simple Ways To Cut 500 Calories A Day

 11 Simple Ways To Cut 500 Calories A Day From Your Diet

Here's a Weight Loss Plan 

for you that Actually Works

Did you know, by Trimming 500 Calories A Day you can lose up to 1 Kilo A Week.

Check out the Following Tips to lose Weight without a struggle.

1. Chew Your Food

Studies show that if you chew your food at least 20 times before swallowing you?ll eat up to 70 calories less. It takes 20 to 30 minutes for your body to realize that you?re no longer hungry. Eating slowly will help you feel satiated on fewer calories.

2. Get Some Shut-Eye

Sleeping less than 6 hours a night makes you eat up to 300 calories more when you?re awake because sleep deprivation triggers production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. An extra hour of snoozing could save you 100 calories!

3. Order Wisely

Choose mustard instead of mayo, salad instead of fries, and veggies instead of white carbs. Swaps like these will help you cut 200 to 300 calories in every meal.

4. Eat In A Smaller Plate

Swap your 12-inch plate for a 9-inch one. Eating in a smaller plate ensures you?ll eat 20 to 25 percent less, helping you save up to 500 calories.

5. Don't Eat In Front of The TV

Research shows that eating in front of the TV means you?ll eat up to 250 calories more. Eat at the table, and swap 1 hour of watching TV for a casual walk.

6. Beware of The Booze 

Alcohol is high in (empty) calories. When you do imbibe, choose light beers and alcoholic drinks with low-calorie mixers like club soda.

7. Don't Clean Your Plate

You don?t have to finish everything on your plate. Leave 25 percent of your meal on the plate at dinner. You can save the leftovers for a nice lunch the next day.

8. Stand Up

You can torch up to an extra 500 calories every day by standing instead of sitting. Try standing or walking around when you?re on the phone or reading a book.

9. Limit Fried Food

A tablespoon of oil contains 100 calories. By limiting added fat you can reduce your overall calorie intake. Opt for cooking methods like grilling, steaming or baking. Healthier cooking methods can save you hundreds of calories.

10. Skip Sweetened Beverages

Reducing your consumption of sodas and other sugary drinks is a simple and effective way to cut calories. A glass of sweetened orange juice or sugary soda contains around 170 calories. Swap sweetened beverages with water, unsweetened tea or unsweetened coffee.

11. Run Some Errands

If you have an afternoon free, food shopping and unloading groceries can help you torch close to 500 calories. Cooking dinner will help you burn 130 more.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Water Before Bedtime

 Water Before Bedtime

About 90% of heart attacks occur early in the morning and it can be minimized if one takes a glass or two of water NOT grog or beer before retiring in the evening.
I knew water is important but I never knew about the special times to drink it.
Did you??

Drinking water at the correct time
Maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body :
1 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs

1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Simple Way to Lose Weight – Tai Chi Walking

A Simple Way to Lose WeightTai Chi Walking

Tai Chi is a very simple form of exercise, perfect for every person, regardless of age, weight or height. Practiced regularly, this type of walking helps you understand your body, the moves you make when you walk around, in time, maintaining your balance will not be a problem anymore.

With Tai Chi steps you will improve your posture, the muscles will strengthen and you will relax your overstressed muscles. You will also lose weight if you practice it a few times a week Chi walking started in ancient China. In 1999, Danny Dreyer, instructor in San Francisco, tried to revive the forgotten art of Chi steps, teaching Chi running technique. After numerous requests from customers, he decided to focus more on Chi walking, thus developing a walking program that relaxes you and gives you the energy you need and also helps you lose weight effortless.

Chi Walking is an alternative to riding, being considered one of the most economical and accessible exercise. Tai Chi is not just a sport, but an ancient discipline that focuses on improving the mind and body shape with a wide range of exercises and meditations.

Some of the biggest advantages of Tai Chi steps are that you do not need additional equipment for this type of ride (except for a sports outfit and, of course, comfortable shoes) and can be made by all persons, regardless of age or physical ability. It is also a way to interact with the world and nature, because it is necessary to perform outdoors.

2. How is Chi running performed?

Dress comfortably and leave the house. Stand straight, keeping your feet together. Lift your right leg while bending your elbows. Keep your elbows as close to the body, with palms facing up.

Relax the foot and place it gently in front of the body, heel touching the ground lightly, then put the whole foot. Stretch a hand forward and hold it at shoulder level. Hand must be relaxed, so that the palm is parallel to the body, while the other hand goes down, next to the body.

Change weight on the other foot, raising the heel. Put your foot forward and stepping with the heel first, wait several seconds, then down and rest your feet. Keep going at the same rate and do not forget the arms. The larger and wider the steps are, the more difficult is to keep your balance, so start with small steps to progress gradually.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bed on Rent - Wheelchair On Rent - Yoginder Surgicals -

Deals in All Type of Health Care & Fitness Goods, Hospital & Surgical and Medical Equipment 

* Hospital Bed (also on Rent)

 * Wheel Chairs (also on Rent)

 * Examination Table 

 * Revolving Stools 

 * Stretcher 

* Screen (Partition) 

 * Suction Machine 

 * X-Ray View Box 

 * Ist Aid Box

 * Oxygen Cylinder (with Meter and Other Accessories) 

 * Blood Pressure Monitors

 * Stethoscope

 * Height Measuring Tape & Charts 

 * IV Stand (Gluco Stand) 

 * Weighing Scales 

 * Back Rests & Back Supports 

 * Inhalers, Steamers 

 * Hot Water Bottles 

 * Heat Pads 

 * Walking Sticks 

 * Crutches 

 * Walkers 

 * Commod Stool & Chairs 

 * Resuscitator 

 * Massagers 

 * Digital Scales 

 * Digital (Automatic) BP 

 * Gluco Meters 

 * Sauna Belts 

 * Yoko 

 * Morning Walker 

 * Nebulizers 

 * Gloves 

 * Masks 

 * Caps 

 * Shoe Covers
 * Doctor Coat, Gown, Approns 

 * LS Belts 

 * AB Belts 

 * Magnetic Belts 

 * Thermometers 

 * Hearing Aids

Different Type of Rehabilitation, Health & Fitness Equipment etc

We Provide Wheel Chairs & Hospital Beds on Rent Also 

Yoginder Aggarwal
Yoginder Surgicals 

Blue Heaven Building, Old Railway Road, near New Colony Mod, Gurgaon-122001
Mob. 9654711900, 9650158286, 8076024274, 7503242346
Landline : 0124-4203432
e-mail :
website :

Yoginder Surgicals

Yoginder Surgicals

Deals in All Type of Surgical, Medical, Health & Fitness Goods 

We Also Provide Hospital Bed, Folding Wheel Chairs, Nebulizers and Air Beds on Rent

* Hospital Bed (on Rent also @ Rs. 100/- per day)

 * Wheel Chairs (on Rent also @ Rs. 50/- per day)

 * Examination Table 

 * Revolving Stools (Patient Stools)

 * Stretcher (Folding Stretchers and Stretcher Trolley) 

* Screen (4 Fold Partition) 

 * Suction Machine (Electrical and Foot Suction) 
 * X-Ray View Box 

* Eye View Drums 

 * Ist Aid Box 

 * Oxygen Cylender (with Meter and Other Accessories) 

 * Blood Pressure Monitors 

 * Stethoscopes

 * Height Measuring Tape & Charts 

 * IV Stand (Gluco Stand) 

 * Weighing Scales 

 * Back Rests & Back Supports 

 * Inhalers, Steamers 

 * Hot Water Bottles 

* Heat Pads, Gel Pads and Hot n Cold Packs 

* Walking Sticks (1-Leg, 3-Leg and 4-Leg) 

 * Crutches and Elbow Crutches 

 * Walkers (Folding -cum- Adjustable and Fix Walkers) 

 * Commod Stool & Chairs (Also Adjustable for Western Commode) 

 * Resuscitator (Ambu Bag) 

 * Massagers 

 * Digital Scales 

 * Digital (Automatic) BP 

 * Gluco Meters (Sugar Monitors) 

 * Sauna Belts 

 * Yoko (Height Increase Device) 

* Air Bed or Air Mattress (Also on Rent @ Rs. 1000/- per month)

 * Morning Walker 

 * Nebulizers (Also On Rent @ Rs. 1000/- per month) 

 * Gloves (Disposable) 

 * Masks (Disposable and Clothes) 

 * Caps (Disposable and Clothes) 

 * Shoe Covers (Disposable) 

 * Doctor Coat, Gown, Aprons 

 * Lumber Sacro Belts (LS Belts)  

 * Abdominal Belts 

 * Magnetic Belts 

 * Thermometers (Digital & Manual) 

* Pulse Oxymeters 

 * Hearing Aids (with and without Wire) 

* Wax and Wax Heaters 

* Knee Caps, Knee Support and Knee Braces 

* Cervical Collars and Cervical Pillows 

* Silicon Arch Pads, Heel Cushions and Insols 

* Ice Packs 

* Respirometer for Lung Exercise 

* Knee Hammer 

* Scissors, Forcep, Artry Forcep, Needle Holders etc. 

* Suture Thread, Needle and Cutter 

* Urine Pot and Bed Pans 

* Infra Red Lamps 

Different Type of Rehabilitation, Health & Fitness Equipment etc. 

-Yoginder Aggarwal

Yoginder Surgicals (Health Care & Fitness)
Blue Heaven Building, Old Railway Road, near New Colony Mod, Gurgaon-122001
Mob. 9654711900, 9650158286, 8076024274, 7503242346
Landline : 0124-4203432

e-mail :
website :

Friday, November 4, 2016

Benefits of Apples

Benefits of Apples

The old saying “ to eat an apple going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread” has been justified by its many health-rich properties. A member of the rose family, fossil remains have shown that apples were gathered and stored 5,000 years ago and it’s likely that they were already cultivated during the Neolithic times. Apples are excellent detoxifiers and apple juice can destroy viruses in the body.

In one recent study , Riu Hai Liu of Cornell University, has found although apples has only a small amount of vitamin C, eating 100 grams of apple provides the same amount of antioxidant activity as taking 1,500 milligrams of the same vitamin.
Just make sure you do not take too many apple seeds because it could be toxic if taken in large amount.

Benefits of Apples:

1. Apple cleans teeth and strengthens gum

2. Will make the cholesterol level lower

3. Detoxify the body and has an antiviral property

4. Apple will also prevent constipation because it helps digestion

5. One large apple supplies almost 30% of minimum amount of fiber that should be consumed daily

The use :

1. For people who suffer from gout and rheumatism, eat apple regularly because it will aid healing

2. Eating 2 apples a day will reduce your cholesterol level up to 10 %

3. Drinking an apple juice, 3 times a day, is said to prevent virus from settling in the body.

4. Another benefit of apple is for those who have problem with their stomach. If you have problem with indigestion, eat apples before meals.

5. Grated apple, when mixed with live yogurt may be helpful in cases of diarrhea

Tips :

1) Never buy apples that have not been kept cold since they can be over-ripe in a few days.

2) Apples should be hard. If you can dent an apple with your finger, DO NOT BUY IT.

3) Keep your apples refrigerated. If not, it will decay fast.

4) To prevent browning, rub the cut surfaces with a mixture of lemon juice and water.

5) Canadian researchers analyzing eight popular varieties found that the old standby, 
Red Delicious, and an apple called Northern Spy contain more disease-fighting antioxidants in their skin and flesh than any other studied. In English this means red apples are better than other apples.